Monday, December 29, 2008

Big Day!

Lots going on today! For a few weeks we (I) have been trying to decide the best time to transition Katherine into a big girl bed. She is starting to potty train and it seems she should be able to get out of bed to use the bathroom if she needs to. But I am also not sure I am ready for her to do that! Well today when I was taking her up for her nap she was very insistent on sleeping in Sean's bed. So, what better time than now right! I took off one railing to her crib, so it is now a toddler bed. And she did great. Looked over the edge a few time but then settled right down with her blankies (all 3!) and drifted off to sleepy town.

And not to be out done, it is a beautiful sunny December afternoon and Sean got a bike for Christmas. He did great, although we still need to work on the the foot motions. But he will get there.

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