Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year, New Me?

Well no. I generally don't believe in making new years resolutions. Why should I wait until the new year to start doing something I should be doing anyway? But if they work for you then that is great. All the talk of the new year has got me thinking about things in my life that could change. But for me it always boils down to the lack of time in a day. Yes I would love to work out everyday, I would LOVE to catch up on my scrapbooking, keep up with the laundry, and find time to make a few baby blankets a week. But before I can turn around it is time to make dinner and get the kids to bed. Then it is time to clean the kitchen, enjoy a little time with my husband before I get some much needed sleep.

This year, I am going to find the time to do the things I enjoy for my self. Because we all need to do something for ourselves. Justin bought me a gift certificate for a crop class at a scrapbook store so that is number one on my list. I am really excited to get back into that. I am also going to be selling my baby tag blankets at the South Bend Farmers Market. Justin's mom and grandmother have a booth their and have offered to sell them for me. Who knows, maybe someday I will be as good as my mom and really could be a stay at home mom forever. Oh, I hope the sewing talent gene was passed on to me. Practice, Practice, Practice. So for me that means less time spent watching TV and more time being productive. That sounds a lot like a resolution doesn't it.

Speaking of productive, the laundry is waiting!

Happy New Year!


Gisaco said...

It does sound like a resolution! It actually sounds like a familiar one ... I'm sure you'll do better sticking to it than I ever did. TV is a powerful distraction!

Big hugs and kisses and wishes for another great year.

Nana said...

Hi sweet Sarah what a lovely composition desribing your life--you have a wonderful way with putting your thoughts into words.It sounds to me like you are planning a very busy life this year,don't forget to stop & smell the roses !!
Love you all & hope 2008 will surpass 2007
Need a picture of the Baby Blankets